Dr. Donalee Markus specializes in HOPE-neuroplasticity as featured in “The Ghost In My Brain.” Dr.
Markus offers digital/paper and pencil brain games and Zoom treatments to maximize intelligence for
treatments of Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion.
Dr. Donalee Markus’ cognitive restructuring treatment is detailed inu
The Ghost in My Brain: How a Concussion Stole My Life and How the New Science of Brain Plasticity
Helped Me Get It Back, by Clark Elliott, Ph.D., an unforgettable chronicle of recovery, one
that provides a window into the tremendous power of the human brain and offers new hope to those suffering
from concussion and other brain traumas.
Foreword to “Ghost in My Brain” by Clark Elliot, Ph.D. written by Donalee Markus, Ph.D.
Clark Elliott was a mystery to me when we first met. Observing him through my glass front door, I saw that it
took him two minutes just to find the doorknob with his hand. When I gave him the simplest of my assessment
tests—copying a geometric line drawing—his body went into bizarre contortions as he struggled to complete
it. It hurt me to watch this brilliant man put so much effort into such a trivial task. In my decades-long
practice in clinically applied neuroscience (CAN), this case was striking. During the two-hour evaluation
session, I kept asking myself, “What could have happened in the car accident eight years ago that all of
these top medical doctors have missed?” In thinking over my plan for rewiring his brain, I realized that
most of Clark’s cognitive and motor behaviors were likely tied to stress on his visual systems, and I wanted
him to work in parallel with my highly esteemed colleague the optometrist Deborah Zelinsky, whom he went to
see the following week.
Clark was an ideal client. He understood the complexity of the brain and the
relationship between sensory input and behavior. And he was compliant, faithfully completing the rigorous
cognitive exercises that I created for him—the brain puzzles he was to solve on a daily basis. Most
important, he carefully documented his behavioral changes so that I could move him quickly through the
exercises that would allow him to regain control of his personal and professional life.
story is remarkable. Through his scrupulously documented recovery, he gives a voice and provides hope to
millions of people, referred to as the walking wounded, with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury. The
plasticity of the human brain is both its power and its weakness. Although the life-sustaining parts of the
human brain are “hardwired,” the cognitive parts (located in the neocortex) are not. The part of the brain
that allows people to think, to plan, to hope, to dream, to understand language and math, and to recognize
themselves and others, is highly malleable.
This plasticity allows people to change their minds and
to control their behavior, but it is also this part that suffers the greatest loss from brain injury. Much
to the frustration of doctors and patients alike, cellular damage is microscopic and may be diffuse
throughout the brain so that conventional scanning technologies cannot detect it.
By the time
high-functioning individuals with post-traumatic head injury notice that their memories are not what they
used to be, or that they have difficulty thinking through a problem they could once have easily solved,
massive brain damage has occurred on a microscopic level. Because their symptoms are medically unverifiable
and therefore untreatable, they are usually dismissed as the walking wounded, destined to suffer the pain,
frustration, and humiliation of not knowing how much longer their condition will last or how much worse it
will become. The Designs for Strong Minds system I have developed to treat such clients who come to me is a
program based on a neurocognitive model that relies on the brain’s plastic, reconfigurable nature, and uses
attention, intention, and rehearsal to implement learning and behavioral change.
It is important to
give credit to two individuals who contributed to Clark’s cognitive restructuring success. Professor Reuven
Feuerstein in 1981 introduced me to the original theoretical framework and the system that are the basis of
my work, where the tools are context-free visual puzzles organized by logical structure, and the technique
is mediation, to change the structure of the brain. It is from Professor Feuerstein that I learned
“Intelligence is plastic. . . . Cognition is modifiable at any age.” And Christine Williams of NASA provided
me with the opportunity to work with our top scientists, engineers, physicists—literally our rocket
scientists—from 1998 to 2005. The tools, more than three thousand paper-and-pencil instruments that I
created for NASA (joined by almost ten thousand instruments for children), became the framework, the
structure, and the workbooks for Clark to regain his high-level cognitive functioning skills.
Warm regards,
Donalee Markus
Since 1983, Donalee Markus and her
Designs for Strong Minds™ associates have been maximizing intelligence for individuals and corporations
throughout the world. An innovative program of exercises, Designs for Strong Minds™, uses game-like,
context-free exercises to filter out emotional influences, which allows the participants to work solely on
cognitive skills.
Dr. Markus has designed programs for children, adolescents, professionals, and aging adults. Dr. Markus has
had tremendous success working with individuals who have suffered traumatic head injuries. In addition, she
was selected to design a program for NASA's Critical Thinking Skills Project.
Most people play to their strengths, avoiding situations where they need to use skills with which they are
less comfortable. However, through context-free exercises, Dr. Markus helps these individuals strengthen
their weaknesses by building and exercising their neuro pathways.
The Designs for Strong Minds™ exercises allow individuals to hold more information, sort and organize
information in innovative ways, and collect information from a broader base. These skills then help
Enhance their communication skills
Increase their flexibility and risk taking
Improve their analytical ability
Optimize their creativity
Designs for Strong Minds™ maximizes intelligence by making participants aware of the ways in which they
think. The program:
Allows participants to understand their thought processes
Gives them insight into their problem solving strategies
Presents them with options for change and change to come
Offers the opportunity to habituate new processing
Dr. Markus earned her Ph.D. at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 1983. She did post-doctoral
work under Reuven Feuerstein (see pic below) at the Hadassah-Wizo Research Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.
It is difficult to estimate how many appointments a patient might need for cognitive restructuring.
The first appointment consists of an interview, review of records and formulation of a treatment plan: 1.5hrs
Please bring copies of pertinent medical reports and a neuropsychologic evaluation (if available).
3 to 4 additional appointments (1 appointment is 2/50 Minute Sessions) with Dr. Markus are recommended.
Many patients elect to return for additional treatment after several weeks.
Interview, review of records and formulation of a treatment plan: $950.00
50% deposit required to confirm your appointment time, balance is due upon completion of appointments.
Cancellation Policy for initial consultations and multiple appointments fully refunded 2 weeks prior to
If an appointment is canceled less than two weeks prior, there will be a $750.00 charge.
Private Cognitive Restructuring Sessions including take-home materials and two 50 minute individualized
cognitive restructuring sessions, as well as customized cognitive materials for at-home rehearsal. Session rate: $750 per 2/50 Minute private sessions 7 Days is required to change or cancel an
appointment without charge. There will be a $375 cancellation charge.
FORM OF PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: credit card, check or cash
Dr. Markus offers phone-zoom consultations, which are particularly useful for out-of-town patients.
If you want Dr. Markus to review any neuropsychological testing or other reports prior to your phone-zoom
consultation, please send this material via email or snail mail. Review of these materials usually takes an
additional hour.
Phone-Zoom consultations and advance review of material cost $375.00 per 50 minute session.
Payment is required when the appointment is scheduled. 7 Days is required to change or cancel a phone-zoom consultation appointment without charge. There will
be a $375 cancellation charge. Appointments are scheduled with Margit Nikitas / Office
Coordinator 847-433-7878